Frequently Asked Questions

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Is Calmfort™ Safe To Take?

Yes. Calmfort™ includes only natural ingredients and should be safe to take for the vast majority of people. If you have any doubts or experience adverse effects consult your physician.

Will I Experience Any Side Effects?

Calmfort™ should not produce any side effects.

Why Is Melatonin Not Used?

Taking melatonin daily may disrupt natural production, leading to decreased effectiveness over time and potential tolerance and dependence. Long-term use may also pose risks of side effects and interactions, particularly in individuals with certain health conditions. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen, including melatonin, to ensure safety and effectiveness.

How To Take It?

  1. Open your bottle of Calmfort™
  2. Eat 2 gummies
  3. Relax and unwind!

How Long Until I Feel Effects?

Calmfort™ is designed to be fast-acting. Effects can take up to 30 minutes to kick in.

How Long Do The Effects Last?

Calming and focused effects can last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours. We have you covered for the entire work day!

Will Calmfort™ affect my sleep?

Calmfort™ will not negatively affect your sleep. Calmfort™ promotes feelings of relaxation and calm which may benefit your sleep quality. Our all-natural formula does not make you feel groggy either.

When Should I Take It?

Calmfort™ is 100% non-habit forming and can be taken anytime you're feeling stressed or anxious from work.